A personal injury lawyer providing information on cycling, cyclist rights, and everything in between


Bicycle Accident Blog

How to Manage Medical Bills Following A Bicycle Accident

If you’ve been involved in a serious bicycle accident, then you likely have also incurred significant medical bills. It can be overwhelming for the injured cyclist as the medical bills start to pour in following the accident. Fortunately, there are a number of things that your attorney can to do alleviate some of your stress related to these bills.

First, if your attorney contacts your medical provider and advises them that the treatment and bills incurred following your bike accident are related to an accident, often the medical provider will place these bills on a lien (and wait to get paid until after your case has been resolved). This helps buy you some time by eliminating your need to scrape together enough money to pay these bills immediately.

Another way that your bike accident attorney can help you with your medical bills is by finding future medical providers that will agree to work on a lien prior to providing treatment. An example of this would be if an injured cyclist requires expensive surgical procedures to treat a tibia/fibula fracture following a bike accident. Often the out of pocket costs for this surgery can be too expensive (even when you have insurance). Fortunately, there are some providers who are willing to work on a lien for their services when an attorney is involved and representing you for your accident case. Again, this allows you to get the necessary medical treatment without having to worry about the bills until after your case resolves.

Lastly, once your case has resolved, bike accident attorneys are often able to significantly reduce any medical provider liens or rights to reimbursement claimed by your insurance carrier. Be weary of any attorney that claims working to reduce your medical bills is not part of their agreement. In fact, this is one of the most important jobs of an effective personal injury attorney.

John Mersereau has had tremendous success in having lien holders and insurance companies greatly reduce or even waive their liens or rights to reimbursement for his clients. Remember, any reduction of your bills will help maximize your recovery. If you’ve been injured in an accident and have a question regarding medical bills feel free to contact bike accident attorney John Mersereau via phone (619-944-1219) or email (cabikeattorney@gmail.com).